2017-07-18 Meeting Minutes
DSARC Meeting Minutes 2017-07-18
Called to order at 19:03 PDT
Present: Nick Hewes AF7ZJ, Bill Ward K9GRZ, Tom Luther KG7DKN, Clinton Wiersch KG7IDT,Heather Cole KG7BUB, Austin Cole KF7SIW
Field Day Debrief:
We set up at Spring Valley near Troy, Idaho. Had a trailer and a tent. Had about a dozen bystanders come by. The G5RV was set at an angle but it worked, especially Sunday morning. Also, ran QRP on digital with verticals. Overall not a lot contacts.
- Set up for next year:
- Set up G5RV sooner.
- Get trailer modifications finished.
- Go through trailer the weekend before.
- Add a bench for seating and storage.
- Make check lists for Field Day/trailer inventory.
- Additions for 2017:
- New signs for DSARC events.
- We have a webserver on Raspberry Pi 3.
- Content: Ham radio related software, manuals, copies of ham related websites.
- Auto updates content.
- New documents and software can be uploaded on the fly.
- Library of digital modes with images and sounds for reference.
- The Raspberry Pi is also a time server (via GPS reference) for time sensitive applications like Field Day logging.
- Goal is to provide an image of the server for anyone to download and use hosted on the DSARC Gitlab
Discussion topic: Hams at the park:
One day a month pick a park, bring food and drinks. Only minimal advertising.
- Setup:
- Could set up digital radios side by side for amateur radio email demo and practice.
- Rotate locations. Pullman, Troy, Palouse, etc.
- Bring out Latah Aux Comm trailer.
Other ideas/events mentioned:
- Collaborate with other ham clubs to have a booth at events in smaller towns. Suggested by Don in Orifino and Tom Luther
- People in towns affected by the fires two years ago were frustrated with the lack of communication generating interest in ham radio. Towns like Kamiah, Kooski, etc.
- We have a standing invitation from the Hells Gate club to join them for meetings.
- Have an event for the solar eclipse on August 21st. Hams at the park for the eclipse?
- August 5th or 6th digital radio practice/training/demo hosted by Latah Aux Comm. more details will be provided.
- Reminder from Bill for September 10th event Moscow Mtn Madness needs volunteers. 8-12 people preferred though only one at each station needs to be licensed. Two people per aid station and there are five stations.
- Vanity email available to club members/participants. Forward only address of the format [email protected]. Must attend two meetings per quarter to qualify.
- Latah County Aux Comm Update:
- Still waiting for the five couties to sign the MOU.
- Will open member applications soon. A back ground check and ICS certs required. Latah County SAR requirements are similar and will likely be enough to qualify.
- Starting in August we are attempting a digital net.
Technician Class:
- 6-12 people signed up.
- Tentatively end of August - beginning of Sept.
- Location TBD on quantity of attendees: more than six, we got to the Latah County courthouse, six or less DSARC meeting area.
- Some interest from PCSAR.
- Checkout gear available to DSACR memebrs: KPC3 VHF 1200 baud TNC and older model Rigblaster sound card.
- DSARC website will be keep it more up to date!