Do Something Amateur Radio Club

Latah County Auxiliary Communications Team

August 3rd, 2021

Start Time 1900 hrs. - End 1921 hrs.


Austin Cole, KF7SIW Heather Cole, KG7BUB Bart Gableman, N1BA Mike Brown, N7ID Mike Neelon WA7MGN Nick Hewes, AF7ZJ Dave Schumacher, KF7CSV Sandee Schumacher, KA9UNA

Treasurer’s Report

  • No report given.

Old Business

  • Thunder on the Snake- update.
  • Thunder on the Snake is set for August 27th-29th. Friday is a meeting, with assignments/t-shirts handed out. Still need a few radio operators to work safety boats. Let Mike or Austin know if you need anything by the 26th. Starting the 27th, they will be on location and help will be limited once on the river. You can find all paperwork on Discord or get your radio packet at Friday’s meeting.

New Business

  • Future ham classes and testing
    • With the beginning of the new college semester. Let’s reach out to the students at University of Idaho to see if we can get a new ham radio class going. Also look at potential ham license testing later in the year. Also, Latah County Fair in September would be a good time to find folks wanting a class or test session.
  • October radio play time for DSARC/AUXCOMM
    • October is coming up fast. Let’s figure out a date when we can go out into the field, relax, and enjoy the end of year weather doing some ham stuff for fun.
  • Upcoming events
    • In the past we have done other community events. With COVID, participate has been low since a lot of the events were cancelled. Let’s look to see if any of the following events still need assistance for this year or 2022.
    • Moscow Parks & Rec mini triathlon. September is “IMTuf 100” foot race near McCall.
    • Any other events that folks have worked in the past? Dog Sled Race in Oregon. Washington Bike Races. Idaho Rally International.
    • Need folks to work a table at the Latah County Fair. September 16th-19th.
  • Future Topics:
    • What is need to join AUXCOMM?
    • AUXCOMM on fires and disaster. How do we get there?


For those interested-DEF CON 29 will start this Thursday (8/5/21).


President: Austin Cole KF7SIW Treasure: Heather Cole, KG7BUB Vice President: Nick Hewes, AF7ZJ Secretary: Mike Neelon WA7MGN Website: