Do Something Amateur Radio Club

Latah County Auxiliary Communications Team

October 5th, 2021

Start Time 1900 hrs. - End 1954 hrs.


  • Austin Cole, KF7SIW
  • Heather Cole, KG7BUB
  • Bekah Elder, KJ7AVP
  • Mike Brown, N7ID
  • Mike Neelon WA7MGN
  • Nick Hewes, AF7ZJ
  • Dave Schumacher, KF7CSV
  • Sandee Schumacher, KA9UNA

Treasurer’s Report

  • None given.

Old Business

  • October fun outing.
    • Our annual end of the season ham trip is not looking good for October. Looking to see if we could move it into November, weather pending. Looking at Spring Valley. Will need to see when they shut down water, electricity, and toilets. Need to follow up with Andy Grant at Latah Co. Parks & Rec.
    • Mike N. will be gone the first week of November (2nd-9th), and will not be able to move the trailer to Spring Valley.

New Business

  • Table top exercise (TTX) between the Sheriff’s Office and AUXCOMM/ARES members.
    • A TTX is being scheduled between the Latah County Sheriff’s Office and the AUXCOMM and ARES members. The purpose of the exercise will be to discuss and see how AUXCOMM/ARES fits into the needs to the Sheriff’s Office. Potential use for radio communications in the field, and during incidents or events. This will be the time to openly discuss what each can provide to the other and vice versa.
    • No date set as of yet.


  • Events
    • A special thanks goes out to all the members who were able to help out at the fair this year. Part of our agreement for a room at the fairgrounds is to manage a table during fair time. There were a lot of inquiries into ham radio, and a few looking to join a club or get testing. Waiting to see how that pans out.
    • Potential next event will be the Christmas Parade. Will need to reach out and talk with Moscow Parks & Rec to see if the parade will happen this year.
    • Winter Field Day is January 29-30, 2022. Will discuss further at the next meeting.
  • AUXCOMM verse ARES-What is the difference?
    • In recent videos produced by the RATPAC group (, some confusion has developed over the terms AUCOMM vs. ARES and how they differ. Austin and Mike N. explained the view points and some of the issues the two have.
    • AUXCOMM- A positon under the FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) and usually works out of the incident command post (ICP) or emergency operation center (EOC). Deals with all communications (radio, data, computer networks, microwave networks, phones, etc.). Can include amateur radio operators.
    • ARES-Local license amateur operators who voluntarily register their equipment and qualifications to be available to work incidents or events. Deals with emergency ham radio communications. Might be in the field or at a station. Part of ARRL.
    • Mike N. reports that grant funding for the AUXCOMM team will change slightly this year. Grant funding is requiring project be in line with state communications plans. Might have to look at digital or data instead of straight ham radio equipment.
    • New coax cable was purchases for the trailer. A good start to upgrading equipment within the trailer. Various connects and headsets were also purchased.
    • The team will be looking at applying for SHARES (SHAred RESources HF radio program) this coming year.
  • Mike B. spoke about how Idaho ARES is looking for people to fill the ARRL-ARES positons locally. If anyone is interested, they should contact Mike B. or Dan Marier (K7REX).


President: Austin Cole KF7SIW Treasure: Heather Cole, KG7BUB Vice President: Nick Hewes, AF7ZJ Secretary: Mike Neelon WA7MGN Website: