Do Something Amateur Radio Club

Latah County Auxiliary Communications Team

January 02, 2024


Jan 2 2024 1900 PST


Austin KF7SIW, Erin ND7B, Nick AF7ZJ, Zach KF7VCP


Austin discussed the finances of Auxcom and mentioned that they have a $5000 operating expense budget approved for this year. However, they are still waiting for it to be figured out as it comes out of the disaster services budget next year. They also talked about how they can save money on materials by asking Moscow and Pullman building supply if they want to donate some material or work with them on price.

Trailer Rebuild

Discussed plans for the continued trailer project

Funding for Events

Austin proposed using some funds to organize fun events or gatherings to recruit more members for Auxcom. He had set aside money as part of a proposal, which he hoped could be used for maintenance and events.

Hamfest Planning

Try to set up a Hamfest to attract hams from around the region.

Pager Project

Antennas Discussion

Event Planning Discussion

Nick asked everyone if they knew any events unaffected by COVID where six people could participate or help organize them since we have few people right now making things hard but he thinks we should be able at least help some events having six people involved including Bill Gamon Clint people who would help too