Call to order at 1900 by Austin Cole.


Austin Cole, Heather Cole, Brett Copperi, Derek Nordio, Dan Nordio, Kelly Blackmon, Bill Ward, Ty Williams, Bill Duncan, Dick Burroughs, Daniel Spence, Mary Spence, Luke Spence, Tom Storer, Ramsey, Nick Hewes, and Bart Gabelmann.

New Business:

Check DSARC web site for upcoming activities.

Bill Ward gave an update on the new Latah County emergency communications trailer that is being put together.

Austin discussed DSARC Mini Field Day proposal this summer. He will be sending out a straw pole the end of April early May for date and location of same. Bald Mountain favored for possible location at the end of June.

Goals for Mini Field Day: Emphasis on set-up/ tear down, use of digital (HF, VHF), HF, VHF, Fox Hunt, use of map and compass.

Many public events coming up that would be opportunities for ham radio to augment these events making them safer and perhaps run more efficiently.

Become more involved with introducing ham radio to Boy Scouts.

Club repeater shown. Help with installation in near future.

Next meeting 4-4-17

Old Business:


Meeting adjourned at 2000.